Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let's Give the Boy a Hand ~ Proposal Planning!

OK fellas... no pressure, but this moment... the moment you get down on one knee and ask the girl you love to choose to spend the rest of her days on this earth next to you, is one of the most special moments in your entire life! This moment will be the story she will tell to every relative, friend, coworker, stranger she encounters for the following year and will one day share with her children and grandchildren... so the delivery is key!

Now you have made the decision to ask her, you have saved all your pennies and purchased the ring, but can we really expect you to knock her socks off all on your own?! Absolutely not - ask for help! Enlist friends, family, or hire an event planner to make this moment a story she will be proud to share with everyone in her life now and for years to come!

Here are some notes to get you going;
First, ask yourself what SHE would want. How does she like to spend her time, what is special to her that the two of you do together. Example - after dinner you always walk your dog together... idea, have your normal dinner at home and take your dog for its regular walk - but as you walk past a grassy spot you have passed a million times have a blanket and candles set up with dessert. A romantic unexpected twist and the perfect way to pop the question.

Second, is your future fiance the kind of girl who likes a big to-do? Will she want to share her excitement with all of your friends and family immediately following or would she rather celebrate just the two of you? If she happens to fall into the social butterfly category here is another thought, after you have cleverly popped the question and she has accepted, bring her to another location and surprising her with family and friends. If she has a family member or friend that she is very close to, think about flying them in to be part of the celebration!

And a final thought, travel... does she have a favorite vacation get-a-way? A place the two of you visit every year? Or a place she has always wanted to go? Surprise is key to any proposal, so an annual vacation is perfect! It keeps any suspicion at bay, but if you were to plan a spontaneous trip I would recommend keeping it a complete surprise! This would take a lot of pre-planning and I would strongly recommend enlisting help. Keep in mind that where ever you choose to propose will become a special place for your family that you will visit for years to come!

Some don'ts...
A) Don't propose before or during someone else's wedding!
B) Don't ask without a ring... or something to seal the deal!
C) Don't propose at a sporting event... unless your future wife is a huge fan and it has played a big part in your relationship!
D) Don't propose to "fix" a damaged relationship!
E) And don't think you have to do this on your own!

My story...
On November 11, 2009 my boyfriend asked me to have a dinner date with him, we had both been very busy with work and unable to find free time to spend together. When he picked me up he told me that his coworker had told him about some jazz festival in Wash Park and he wanted to check it out. This seemed incredibly odd to me, he wasn't one to spontaneously seek out a jazz festival but I went with it. As we walked around the park, it was beautiful. The sun was setting, all the leaves were bright orange and yellow. We were walking around one of the lakes and he said, "I have to ask you something"... as I turned to look at him, he was down on one knee! It is a blur from there, but I believe there was a scream and a "Yes!". After that he took me to dinner at the Cherry Creek Grill where I proceeded to call everyone and scream the news even though the menu politely demanded no cell phones in the dining room. I noticed that as I called my friends they were all excited but very short with me on the phone, specifically my little brother. After dinner we went back to our apartment, as I walked in I was shocked to see all of our friends and my brother in our apartment filled with roses candles, cheese, and wine! We spent the night celebrating and talking about the future. It was the perfect night specifically designed for the person I am and the couple we are!

I have heard some amazing proposal stories... if you feel like reminiscing, share yours!!

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